- Good source of Vitamin K2
Research from Erasmus University Rotterdam suggests that increasing the dose of K2 could cut the risk of heart attack by half. On the other hand, a study from the University of Athens showed that it produces positive changes in bone density.
And is that vitamin K2 is essential, among other things, to fix calcium in the bones and not in the arteries. In this way, it prevents osteoporosis and osteoarthritis to arteriosclerosis and heart attacks. Other scientific works relate K2 to dental health, the prevention of some types of cancer – such as prostate cancer – or neurodegenerative diseases.
- Rich in Vitamins D
The vitamin D activity in the endocrine system makes it of great importance in health, especially during pregnancy. It works by preventing rickets and osteomalacia and guarantees proper bone development in children. It is the only substance that stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in the intestine, and also increases the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus in the kidney, thus being essential to maintaining the concentration of these minerals in the blood and for bone mineralization.
- Rich in Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps the development of bones, teeth, soft tissues, mucous membranes, and skin. It is closely related to acne since a deficiency of vitamin A in the diet can cause its appearance. It also helps the formation of the retina, which is why it is also known as retinol. It also contributes to the prevention of infectious diseases, especially of the respiratory system, or other pathologies such as measles. This vitamin also favors the production of sperm and contributes to the female reproductive cycle, favoring the changes that occur in cells during the development of the fetus.
- Rich in Vitamin E
Vitamin E has an antioxidant action, so it helps keep your body healthy and slows down aging. This nutrient neutralizes free radicals and, consequently, protects the cell membranes of the entire organism from oxidation, especially those of the cells of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the muscular system. On the other hand, vitamin E also helps in the formation of red blood cells and blood clotting, stimulates the immune system and its presence is necessary for the functioning of the retina and fertility.